It's taken me a while to write a post I feel comfortable publishing. I'm not very good with 'personal' blogs. Informational? No problem. I've spent months writing stories. But write something personal? Why does that seem so scary. I don't want to write about things that no one will want to hear. Obviously, no one wants to hear about my little one's bowel movement patterns or nasal excretions, but if I keep this blog completely impersonal it won't be very interesting either. So where between those two things do I draw the line?
Maybe I should start by introducing myself. I'm the mother of an 11 week old little boy who is amazingly well behaved, and a complete blessing. We live with my darling husband, whom I met in high school. I'm a certified medical assistant, slowly getting back to taking classes to become an R.N. Tomorrow is actually my first day back finishing the credits for some classes I had to leave at the end of my pregnancy.
My husband and I had our first child fairly young, having our first child after we got married and I became a CMA. My mother had my sister and I when she was just about 30, and shortly after, became unable to have any more children. Evidence seems to suggest this is not a side-effect of her previous pregnancies, and likely would have occurred even if she had not yet had children. I have always wanted a family and to be a mother, and I did not want to wait to have children only to find myself in a situation where I could not, or where I would compromise the health of myself or my children to try. Still, I planned to wait until I was ready to have children. As it happens, we introduced our first child into the world this September.
My husband and I have been very fortunate. I became pregnant easily, and besides becoming slightly anemic, I had a wonderful pregnancy. I carried my son to 41 weeks before being induced, and gave birth to a beautiful, healthy boy. I recovered quickly after giving birth, and while breastfeeding exclusively, I've all ready gotten that lovely monthly notice that my body is once again fertile.
I still hope to have one or two more children, but afterward if fate allows, I would like to become a surrogate. I've thought about it in the past, and after having one successful pregnancy, have considered it further. Especially now, becoming part of the blogging community, and finding out about so many families that struggle to have children. There's so many reasons I want to do this, and after I have made my own family complete, I would like to help another family do the same.
Even now, with this blog, I hope in some way to help others out there making their own families, with some of my more informative posts. I hope that I can in some way make a difference and help support someone out there and to help make the wonderful experience of having a family that much easier or more enjoyable.
As you might have gathered from my previous posts, I am a strong believer in breastfeeding and as 'natural' an approach as possible when raising my child. I love cooking, and while I would love to be a Stay-at-Home Mom until my little one goes to school, I will be going to school, and likely working, at least part time.
I hope that some how, some day, I can make a difference in someone's life. I am trying every day to make a good life for my husband and son, and I am devoting myself to a career field where I will be able to help people on a daily basis, though of those things my family certainly does come first.
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